beer_id = 0; malt_array = []; malt_n = 0; hops_array = []; hops_n = 0; yeast_array = []; yeast_n = 0; style_array = []; function builder_ajax_send_sync(action, arguments) { var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); ajax.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { process_ajax(action, this); } };"GET", "builder_ajax?action=" + action + "&" + arguments, false); ajax.send(); } function builder_ajax_send(action, arguments) { var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); ajax.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { process_ajax(action, this); } };"GET", "builder_ajax?action=" + action + "&" + arguments, true); ajax.send(); } function process_ajax(action, ajax) { var obj = JSON.parse(ajax.responseText); console.log(obj); if (obj.hasOwnProperty("beer_id")) { beer_id = obj.beer_id; document.getElementById('beerid').innerText = "#" + beer_id; document.getElementById('editor').classList.remove('locked'); builder_ajax_send("getmalt", ""); builder_ajax_send("gethops", ""); builder_ajax_send("getyeasts", ""); builder_ajax_send("getstyles", ""); document.getElementById('save_create').value = "save"; document.getElementById('save_create').onclick = save_recipe; } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("malts")) { populate_malt_select(obj.malts); } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("hops")) { populate_hops_select(obj.hops); } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("yeasts")) { populate_yeast_select(obj.yeasts); } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("styles")) { populate_style_select(obj.styles); } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("og") && obj.hasOwnProperty("fg") && obj.hasOwnProperty("ibu") && obj.hasOwnProperty("abv") && obj.hasOwnProperty("srm")) { populate_current_properties(obj); } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("style_id")) { document.getElementById('style_select').value = obj.style_id; populate_style_ranges(obj.style_id); } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("ingredients")) { document.getElementById('beername').innerText =; document.getElementById('volume').value = obj.volume; populate_recipe(obj); } if (obj.hasOwnProperty("saved")) { if (obj.saved == "malt") document.getElementById('malt_table').rows[obj.row].classList.remove('dirty'); if (obj.saved == "hop") document.getElementById('hops_table').rows[obj.row].classList.remove('dirty'); if (obj.saved == "yeast") document.getElementById('yeast_table').rows[obj.row].classList.remove('dirty'); } } function populate_malt_select(malts) { var i, malt, opts; opts = ""; for (i = 0; malt = malts[i]; i++) { opts += ""; malt_array[] = {"name":, "potential": malt.potential, "mcu": malt.mcu}; } document.getElementById('malt_select').innerHTML = opts; } function populate_hops_select(hops) { var i, hop, opts; opts = ""; for (i = 0; hop = hops[i]; i++) { opts += ""; hops_array[] = {"name":, "alpha": hop.alpha}; } document.getElementById('hops_select').innerHTML = opts; } function populate_yeast_select(yeasts) { var i, yeast, opts; opts = ""; for (i = 0; yeast = yeasts[i]; i++) { opts += ""; yeast_array[] = {"name":, "attenuation": yeast.attenuation, "flocculation": yeast.flocculation}; } document.getElementById('yeast_select').innerHTML = opts; } function populate_style_select(styles) { if (style_array.length > 0) { return; } var i, style, opts; opts = ""; for (i = 0; style = styles[i]; i++) { opts += ""; style_array[] = style; } document.getElementById('style_select').innerHTML = opts; } function populate_style_ranges(style_id) { var table = document.getElementById('styles_table'); var row = document.getElementById('og_row'); row.cells[1].innerHTML = style_array[style_id].og[0] + " - " + style_array[style_id].og[1]; var row = document.getElementById('fg_row'); row.cells[1].innerHTML = style_array[style_id].fg[0] + " - " + style_array[style_id].fg[1]; var row = document.getElementById('ibu_row'); row.cells[1].innerHTML = style_array[style_id].ibu[0] + " - " + style_array[style_id].ibu[1]; var row = document.getElementById('abv_row'); row.cells[1].innerHTML = style_array[style_id].abv[0] + " - " + style_array[style_id].abv[1]; var row = document.getElementById('srm_row'); row.cells[1].innerHTML = style_array[style_id].srm[0] + " - " + style_array[style_id].srm[1]; compare_to_style(); } function populate_current_properties(obj) { var row; row = document.getElementById('og_row'); row.cells[2].innerHTML = obj.og; row = document.getElementById('fg_row'); row.cells[2].innerHTML = obj.fg; row = document.getElementById('ibu_row'); row.cells[2].innerHTML = obj.ibu; row = document.getElementById('abv_row'); row.cells[2].innerHTML = obj.abv; row = document.getElementById('srm_row'); row.cells[2].innerHTML = obj.srm; row = document.getElementById('srm_example'); = "#" + obj.rgb; compare_to_style(); } function compare_to_style() { var row, style, val; if (style_array.length > 0 && isFinite(document.getElementById('style_select').value)) style = style_array[document.getElementById('style_select').value]; else style = { "og" : [1.0, 1.12], "fg" : [1.0, 1.16], "ibu" : [0, 120], "abv" : [0, 16], "srm" : [0, 80] }; row = document.getElementById('og_row'); val = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row.cells[2].style.color = "#" + ((val > style.og[0] && val < style.og[1]) ? "009900" : "ff0000"); row = document.getElementById('fg_row'); val = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row.cells[2].style.color = "#" + ((val > style.fg[0] && val < style.fg[1]) ? "009900" : "ff0000"); row = document.getElementById('ibu_row'); val = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row.cells[2].style.color = "#" + ((val > style.ibu[0] && val < style.ibu[1]) ? "009900" : "ff0000"); row = document.getElementById('abv_row'); val = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row.cells[2].style.color = "#" + ((val > style.abv[0] && val < style.abv[1]) ? "009900" : "ff0000"); row = document.getElementById('srm_row'); val = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row.cells[2].style.color = "#" + ((val > style.srm[0] && val < style.srm[1]) ? "009900" : "ff0000"); } function populate_recipe(obj) { var i, ing; for (i = 0; ing = obj.ingredients.malts[i]; i++) { table_add_malt(, ing.weight) } for (i = 0; ing = obj.ingredients.hops[i]; i++) { table_add_hop(, ing.weight, ing.time) } for (i = 0; ing = obj.ingredients.yeasts[i]; i++) { table_add_yeast(, ing.amount) } } function table_add_malt(malt_id, qty = 0) { var table = document.getElementById('malt_table'); table.innerHTML += " lbs" + malt_array[malt_id].name + "" + malt_array[malt_id].potential + "" + malt_array[malt_id].mcu + ""; malt_n += 1; } function table_add_hop(hop_id, qty = 0, time = 0) { var table = document.getElementById('hops_table'); table.innerHTML += " oz min" + hops_array[hop_id].name + "" + hops_array[hop_id].alpha + ""; hops_n += 1; } function table_add_yeast(yeast_id, qty = 1) { var table = document.getElementById('yeast_table'); table.innerHTML += " pkg" + yeast_array[yeast_id].name + "" + yeast_array[yeast_id].attenuation + "" + (["none","very low","low","mid-low","medium","mid-high","high","extreme"])[yeast_array[yeast_id].flocculation] + ""; yeast_n += 1; } function table_rm_row(row_id) { var row = document.getElementById(row_id); row.parentNode.removeChild(row); } function evaluate_style() { var i, j, row, og, fg, ibu, abv, srm, style, score, component_score, popup_html; var candidates = [ {id: undefined, score: 0, in_range: 0}, {id: undefined, score: 0, in_range: 0}, {id: undefined, score: 0, in_range: 0}, {id: undefined, score: 0, in_range: 0}, {id: undefined, score: 0, in_range: 0}, ] row = document.getElementById('og_row'); og = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row = document.getElementById('fg_row'); fg = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row = document.getElementById('ibu_row'); ibu = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row = document.getElementById('abv_row'); abv = row.cells[2].innerHTML; row = document.getElementById('srm_row'); srm = row.cells[2].innerHTML; for (row = 0; style = style_array[row]; row++) { score = 100; // start out with score of 100 if (og >= style.og[0] && og <= style.og[1]) component_score = 1.5 / (style.og[1] - style.og[0]); // favor styles that have tighter ranges else component_score = 75 * ((og < style.og[0]) ? og - style.og[0] : style.og[1] - og); // if out of range, how far? score += component_score * 1; // add weighted component score to total score if (fg >= style.fg[0] && fg <= style.fg[1]) component_score = 1.5 / (style.fg[1] - style.fg[0]); else component_score = 75 * ((fg < style.fg[0]) ? fg - style.fg[0] : style.fg[1] - fg); score += component_score * 1; if (ibu >= style.ibu[0] && ibu <= style.ibu[1]) component_score = 40 / (style.ibu[1] - style.ibu[0]); else component_score = 10 * ((ibu < style.ibu[0]) ? ibu - style.ibu[0] : style.ibu[1] - ibu); score += component_score * 1; if (abv >= style.abv[0] && abv <= style.abv[1]) component_score = 5 / (style.abv[1] - style.abv[0]); else component_score = 20 * ((abv < style.abv[0]) ? abv - style.abv[0] : style.abv[1] - abv); score += component_score * 1; if (srm >= style.srm[0] && srm <= style.srm[1]) component_score = 30 / (style.srm[1] - style.srm[0]); else component_score = 10 * ((srm < style.srm[0]) ? srm - style.srm[0] : style.srm[1] - srm); score += component_score * 1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (score > candidates[i].score) { for (j = 4; j > i+1; j--) { candidates[j].id = candidates[j-1].id; candidates[j].score = candidates[j-1].id; } candidates[i].id =; candidates[i].score = score; break; } } } popup_html = "Select from the following best matching candidate styles:
"; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (candidates[i].id == undefined) break; popup_html += " score: " + parseInt(candidates[i].score) + "
\n"; } popup_html += "

\nnote: these styles were selected based solely on abv, ibu, color, and gravity ranges. Many styles have unique characteristics not captured in these values. Recipes may need to be adjusted to match a chosen style, even if it is suggested here.
styles are ranked by a scoring system, with closer matches and smaller ranges scoring higher than wide ranged styles and poor matches.
\n"; document.getElementById('mask').style.display = "inline"; document.getElementById('mask').innerHTML = "
" + popup_html + "
"; // document.getElementById('style_select').value = candidates[0].id; populate_style_ranges(candidates[0].id); } function save_recipe() { var i, row, table; builder_ajax_send_sync("clearbeer", "beer_id=" + beer_id); builder_ajax_send_sync("updatebeer", "beer_id=" + beer_id + "&name=" + document.getElementById('beername').innerText + "&amount=" + document.getElementById('volume').value); builder_ajax_send("setstyle", "beer_id=" + beer_id + "&style_id=" + document.getElementById('style_select').value); var recipe = { malt_n: 0, malts: [], hops_n: 0, hops: [], yeast_n: 0, yeasts: [] }; table = document.getElementById('malt_table'); if (table.rows.length > 2) { for (i = 2; row = table.rows[i]; i++) { builder_ajax_send("addmalt", "beer_id=" + beer_id + "&ing_id=" + row.attributes['data-malt_id'].value + "&amount=" + row.cells[0].children[0].value + "&row=" + i ); table.rows[i].classList.add('dirty'); } } table = document.getElementById('hops_table'); if (table.rows.length > 2) { for (i = 2; row = table.rows[i]; i++) { builder_ajax_send("addhops", "beer_id=" + beer_id + "&ing_id=" + row.attributes['data-hop_id'].value + "&amount=" + row.cells[0].children[0].value + "&time=" + row.cells[1].children[0].value + "&row=" + i ); table.rows[i].classList.add('dirty'); } } table = document.getElementById('yeast_table'); if (table.rows.length > 2) { for (i = 2; row = table.rows[i]; i++) { builder_ajax_send("addyeast", "beer_id=" + beer_id + "&ing_id=" + row.attributes['data-yeast_id'].value + "&amount=" + row.cells[0].children[0].value + "&row=" + i ); table.rows[i].classList.add('dirty'); } } } function calculate() { builder_ajax_send("calculate", "beer_id=" + beer_id); } function load_recipe(beer_id) { builder_ajax_send_sync("getmalt", ""); builder_ajax_send_sync("gethops", ""); builder_ajax_send_sync("getyeasts", ""); builder_ajax_send_sync("getstyles", ""); builder_ajax_send("editbeer", "beer_id=" + beer_id); }